Yeah, sure I didn't write these fics. ::amused::

Dec 18, 2011 00:15

I should know when I do these things that 1-3 sentences is not going to happen, and that the non-fics (hah!) mostly get longer as I go. I should know these things.... Oh, well! I'm caught up at LJ, and starting in on DW tomorrow. I need to come up with titles for these, too! So. Prompts from:

pat_t : Marc's family come to Seacouver and meet Adam Pierson for the first time. (Aidan-verse) [HL only]

marbleglove : The one where Methos is hanging out at McAnally's Pub [HL/Dresden Files]

mayireadtoday : Greg Powers and Oz run a clinic for both "normal" people and mystical whatevers. [HL/Buffy]

seergirl : In which Which Peter Burke finds out El is Immortal, in the most dramatic way available, and reacts in an exceedingly Peter like fashion. "We'd Better Switch The Guests To Decaf." [HL/White Collar]

killabeez : How about that one you wrote where Cory is part of the Occupy movement, and thanks to some grand (but harmless) gesture that gets him arrested for domestic terrorism, he ends up in FBI custody? [HL]

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fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, fandoms: dresden files, easily amused, memes, fandoms: white collar, crossovers, fic: postings, fandoms: highlander

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