I'm impressed.

Dec 10, 2011 20:15

I remember being a retail clerk at the holidays.  It's frequently not very fun.  Tonight, I've been to a bookstore, a chocolate shop, a coffee shop, and out to dinner.  Every one of the clerks was friendly and helpful, frequently above and beyond the call of their job.  The bookstore clerk rang up my higher-priced items separately so I could use all my coupons; the chocolate clerk told me I got 20% off (I hadn't known there was a sale like that this weekend), then helped me get a $10 store card as well by suggesting I add *one* more chocolate to qualify.

What can I say?  It was just nice to have people actually being helpful.  Now off to do some of the online shopping.  Who knows, I may actually have everything ordered/bought by tomorrow night.  (This would be good; most of our family lives here and yon and the Postal Service will be getting money from me next Saturday....)

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