Does anyone know how to do a multi-author series on AO3?

Dec 05, 2011 23:37

Because I've got at least four people who have written stories set after Sirocco.  I've linked to them all from my website, but I have no idea how or if I can do this at AO3.  I don't need to know immediately, and I'm not even sure all of us *have* AO3 accounts; I do, and Raine, but I'm not sure Mz. Lizzy does, or Gyrfalcon.  I've got to post the entire Line War first; this may take a little while.  But um, seriously, surely someone out here's done it?  ::considers:: Or maybe I can post a link to their fic as the next story?  Yeah.  That might work if nothing else...

And as long as I'm consulting the hive mind, should I put the line war rules and scorecard  up at AO3, or just link to them in the story end notes during the line war, or what?  Opinions?  (Yes, I'm going to put up the silly Intermission, and the outtakes bit, Stormwrack, etc.)

Anyway.  If you know, or have ideas, drop me a line?  Thanks!

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stories: aidan-verse, eyrie, site: design, ao3

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