NaNo, Pomegranates, & an LJ PSA

Nov 30, 2011 15:16

First, congratulations to everyone who tried any of the Writing Month challenges and got anything written -- good for you!

Second, getting the seeds/arils out of a pomegranate reminds me of nothing so much as underwater pea-hulling. They're massively yummy, but still, I'm just saying....

Oh, and third -- man, I miss my coffee today!

Edited to add:

Public Service Announcement. There is currently a phishing attack showing up in LJ trying to get your password from you by getting you to 'log back in' from a comment to an entry. Details here. (If you're crossposting from DW and have to change your LJ password, you'll need to update it in your account information before you can crosspost again.  Not that I'm speaking from ::coughs:: experience or anything here.)
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cooking, coffee, nanowrimo, writing, livejournal, psa, friends

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