Friday fic, gloriously late even for me.

Nov 28, 2011 23:34

So late it's almost early....

Fanfic: More post-apocalypse fic than you'll usually see from me;
fancake is running that theme this month and if I can get through them -- I'm not a PA fan -- you'll see 'em here. If you enjoy these, please leave the authors feedback!

Buffy: the Vampire Slayer: The Weary World Rejoicing, by annakovsky. Summary: This takes place in an apocalyptic AU that exists only in a series of images in my head, branching off from a world where the events of "The Gift" went differently.

Burn Notice: Casual Catastrophes, by halfshellvenus. Summary: For a couple of guys who pull off major operations, a little downtime ought to be a piece of cake. Right?

Burn Notice: This Woman's Work, by
Missy . Summary: Fiona saves Sam and the world. And Michael even gets to hold her purse!

Burn Notice/Firefly: Footprints, by
Meridian_Rose . Summary: River Tam walks into a bar and meets Michael Westen

Cloud Roads (Martha Wells novel): Possession Instinct, by
Lilthehunger . Summary: The first book again through Jade's eyes. It's a queen's instinct to possess, and Moon is everything Jade wants in a consort. (Spoilers for the novel, which I highly recommend, folks, particularly if you liked James Schmitz eco-SF.)

Leverage: The Chainsaw Job, by annerbhp. Summary: In case of zombies, please use the stairs.

SGA/The Muppets (yes. Really.): Take Atlantis, by siegeofangels. Summary: Atlantis is stuck with some guests for a week. NB: DO NOT eat or drink while reading!!

Sherlock (BBC): Triage, by morganstuart. Summary: Donovan didn't want to see this, and Sherlock didn't want to be seen - especially by her - this way.

Sherlock (BBC)/Professionals: Father and Farther, by morganstuart. Summary: In the process of protecting his brother and himself, Mycroft Holmes solves a mystery more than four decades old.

Torchwood/Discworld (sorta): This Is How The Universe Ends, by perryvic and googlebrat. Summary: EXCUSE ME, he said, not impolitely. BUT YOU ARE HOLDING UP THE END OF THE UNIVERSE.


Captain America: Sorrow, by
greensilver . Summary: Don't leave my hyper heart alone.

A nice pro-fanfic article in the Guardian.

And some neat and/or funny art:

Futuristic Cities. Just what it says. Gorgeous.

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011. Some amazing art here.

Ah, Pacman.

Writing aids:  For people who'd rather be rewarded for writing than get a choice like Write or Die: WrittenKitten. Write 100 words, get a picture of a kitten.

Last, I was thinking about doing up a post of favorite Highlander fics. Bear in mind, it'll be idiosyncratic and, after this many years, riddled with holes where things have fallen out of my memory. That said, would anyone be interested?
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writing, fandoms: stargate atlantis, easily amused, vids: recommendations, friday fic, fandoms: firefly, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: highlander, fic: recommendations, fandoms: the muppets, fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, write or die, fandoms: sherlock holmes, art, authors: martha wells, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: burn notice

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