Friday Fic on Sunday

Oct 09, 2011 21:10

I should be writing fic, but man, I want to close some tabs! So, here, have some more stories I've read over the past couple weeks and liked enough to pass word along:

Hawai'i Five-0: Out of order, because this is kick-ass and tense and you guys need to go read it! springwoof ,
raine ,
jimpage363, I am talking to you three in particular! Girl Saves Boy fic by
bluflamingo Light at the End of the Tunnel. Summary: The first time Catherine meets Steve, he's a voice on the other end of the radio, asking for her help.

Avengers (movie verse): Yes, I know the movie isn't out yet. This is not stopping people from writing fic -goodies. Counts To and From, by
BlackEyedGirl Summary: Tony wants to celebrate Steve being one year out of the ice. Steve is not so sure.

Avengers (movie verse): This one is a WIP and I don't care, it's hilarious and I'm leaving the tab open to watch for updates! Gift of Asylum, by
carleton97 &
Summary: The story of how Darcy Lewis accidentally helps found the Avengers while having an epic, failboaty romance with that dude she nailed in a bar two years ago. Tasers, jackbooted thugs, Tony Stark, and life-altering job offers are par for the course when you help discover an alien/god dude with amazing pecs.

Calvin & Hobbes/Eloise: (Yes. I am completely serious.) We Are Six, by Nope. Summary: They are Six.

Captain America/Avengers (comics): Louder Than A Whisper, by
Pervyficgirl . Summary: It's not as though the situation is new to Steve or Bucky. (Written for the LGBT fest and yeah, definitely worth reading. Enjoy)

Captain America/Iron Man: For America, by
autoschediastic . Summary: "Tony, for the good of the country, we should get married." (What? I like good crack.)

Discworld/Torchwood: Angels in the Architecture, by
splash_of_blue . Summary: In which Jack Harkness has several Near Death Experiences involving Scrabble, Chutes & Ladders, and curry, while buried for centuries.

Harry Potter/James Bond: These Women and Their Wars, by
splash_of_blue . Summary: Two women meet at Milliways, the bar at the end of the universe where anyone can be. Minerva McGonagall may not have a name for the woman with whom she’s drinking tea, but she still knows very well who and what she is.

Highlander: Getting On With It, by
marbleglove . Methos and the aftermath of the Gathering. Not even *close* to a usual take on this. Go, read, enjoy.

Highlander: Bullets Really Suck, by
marbleglove . Methos and a bullet through the heart. Macabre humor for October.

Leverage: Art of Conflict by
nightcamedown Summary: In which Lucille has a smell, Eliot loses the plot, Sophie saves the day, and Parker doesn't tase anyone (but gets to steal a getaway car). (I would have said this is the one where Eliot's very human.)

Leverage/DCU: Five times the Leverage Crew was not in Gotham, no, really, they weren't, no by

Summary: And then Hardison clicks to the next slide. "Of course, now the company had been bought by the Wayne Enterprises," he says slowly and pointedly, and all the others suddenly sit up, the focus of their attention shifting and narrowing.

"No," Sophie says. Eliot nods once, sharply, and Parker does a rather good impression of one of those boggling-head-dolls, agreeing completely.

Sherlock BBC: Acts of God, by
thehoyden  Summary: John came to realise rather quickly that Sherlock had absolutely zero interest in their household affairs.

Sherlock BBC: And You're the Prize, by
giddygeek. Summary: That Mycroft was a bastard, John had no doubt. That he could be a villain, well. Mycroft was dangerous in a brilliant, implacable way. Out to do John harm? He doubted that. He doubted it very much. Slash.

Sherlock BBC: London Calling, by
chaletian . Summary: Sherlock uses him as his own personal texting machine; John goes along with it when it's summoning serial killers, and even when it's sending pithy little comments to Lestrade's phone ("He keeps trying to block my number," Sherlock complains, almost surprised), but balks when Sherlock can't be arsed to text in a takeaway order himself.

Sherlock BBC: Rigging screws, size 1 3/8 inch, galvanised, by
AJHall . Summary: "How's a woman supposed to prove her husband's a murderer, dammit?" The OFC in this is glorious, folks.

Suits/White Collar: Catch & Release by musical_emjay . Summary: The first time Harvey meets Neal Caffrey, he’s wearing a wrinkled slacks and dress-shirt combo that doesn’t fit his frame, and gives no name other than Nick. It’s a terrible first impression.

The second time, he learns that Nick is really Neal, and that first impressions aren't everything.

A lot can change in five years, apparently.
Smoking hot NC-17 slash, okay? Oh, and with D/s overtones. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Thor: Rowing In Eden, by
ancarett . Novella length and a damn good read*. Summary: The Bifrost is no longer broken but is becoming unpredictable: delivering its travellers far afield of the landing site where Thor had first appeared. With the link between Midgard and Asgard at risk, Jane and Thor have to find a way to restore stability to the wormhole or risk being separated forever. All of the Avengers lend a hand, but in the end, will it be enough?

(* It does at one point make me grind my teeth with the mangled Norse myth, but no worse than the rest of the movie did. I don't know if this will be consolation enough for myth purists, so feel free to drop me a note asking for spoilers, okay?)

Neat videos: I would call this the world's longest xylophone tune. Or, you know, just neat. And while I'm thinking about it, here, have something else neat, but this one's visual. Man, I love science. This makes me think of the mathematics of Bach fugues. Original post on Dreamwidth | Leave a comment on DW | Read
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fandoms: captain america, fic: recommendations, fandoms: sherlock holmes, vids: recommendations, fandoms: marvel, fandoms: james bond, friday fic, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: white collar, crossovers, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: highlander

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