Brain? We need to talk.

Oct 03, 2011 19:44

My story for
spook_me  is due Oct 27. (I have 1 story done in first draft; it needs editing, two more endings, and I want to write two more for this ficathon.)  The story for
girlsavesboyfic is due anytime from NOW until Oct 14. (I'm writing one now, barely started, and I'm desperately hoping it doesn't try to leap into 20K of plot.  Plus I have a second in mind.) So, brain, this is NOT the time to give me the menus and dialogue for the HL/Eureka crossover, which has no deadline whatsoever!  Really, really, not the time!

Pardon me.  I'll be over here howling and tabbing between fic in progress....
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challenges: spook me, writing: bitching, challenges: girl saves boy, fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, writing: updates, fandoms: eureka, crossovers100, fandoms: miss marple, fandoms: highlander

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