I had forgotten about this...

Sep 19, 2011 20:53

For reasons which I won't be going into at this juncture, I was reminded of how body modesty goes the way of the dodo in theater: it just has to, usually, due to the dictates of scene changes, costume changes, and 'I have to be back on stage in a completely different costume how fast?' Even in high school theater you rapidly adopted the attitude of 'My back is to you; good enough.'

This soliloquy, by the way, is brought to you by amused reminiscence about the time I got (drafted) to play Agnes Gooch in high school. (The part required a first soprano, and I was the most reliable one we had.) Mame was the play where I had to learn how to walk in high heels, which I didn't master well, and how to do a burlesque walk down a staircase, in said heels, ditto. The modesty comment comes in because that part required me to walk out one side of the stage in those heels and a sequin gown whose zipper liked to stick... and come back in the other side a minute later in flats, dowdy dress, and bra/pillow-assortment to simulating being 7 months pregnant. ::winces:: This is also the play where I got yelled at during the dress rehearsal for coming out on stage barefoot and pregnant. A props guy had moved my shoes and I couldn't see them backstage without my glasses....

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