Yeah, I'm really easily amused

Aug 27, 2011 17:00

I drove past a car that had 'God Is An Awesome God' as a headrest cover on one of the seats.  It was set, naturally, so that people driving behind could read it. ::rolls eyes::  Except the language used finally caught my eye and I started giggling.  Most Christians are monotheists and think there is only one god.  But once they stick an article into that sentence (a, an, or the), they have just joined a polytheistic world.  In this particular case, 'an' means there's other awesome gods out there; theirs is just one of them.

Pardon me, I'll be giggling my pagan ass off over here about the bad usage of language and theology.

(Yes.  I know the phrasing 'no other gods before me' implies more than one God.  I also know the vocal, obnoxious Christians cherry-pick the Old Testament to suit themselves, too.  The general opinion is that there's God, Satan, and a lot of false gods.  So, this amuses me a lot.)

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pagan, religion, language, easily amused

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