Writing meme, day 23 -- posting

Jul 31, 2011 00:11

23 - When you post, where do you post to? Just your journal? Just an archive? Your own personal site?

Generally, I post to DW/LJ (cross-posted from DW, for the convenience of editing later), and to AO3, which I'm finding remarkably easy to use.  Somewhere in there, if it's a Highlander fic, it'll also be posted to HLFiction.  And, eventually, stories go up on my personal site.  ::wry:: Yes, I know, I'm way behind on updating my site.  Oops.  Honestly, some days, keeping all the locations updated is a complete pain in the ass.

I also keep thinking I should completely redesign how I'm doing the site, and go to CSS instead of straight HTML and for that matter go to plain pages instead of using graphics. ::rueful::  But I haven't done it yet and probably won't because it's a lot of pages, and I'd end up in questions of 'break it up or consolidate it down?' and 'multiple page designs, to give me some variety, or more straightforward two options, dark on light, light on dark?'  ::shrugs:: It just seems like more trouble than it's worth right now.

The full list of questions, linked to answers, is here.

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writing: discussions, memes, site: design

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