Writing meme, days 19 & 20 -- plot bunnies & writing patterns

Jul 27, 2011 18:26

I was off traveling yesterday  -- long, long story, and it involves too much heat, a good new book -- Butcher's Ghost Story, a good old book -- Wells' Wheel of the Infinite, newly out on Kindle, and a new stuffed animal -- so here's yesterday's question and today's in one fell swoop.

19 - When you have bunnies, do you sit down and start writing right away, or do you write down the idea for further use?

That really depends on two things:  how long it looks to be and how much energy I have.  I get a lot of ideas when tired, unfortunately.  The short ones I generally write immediately; the longer ones I frequently start and put down notes at the bottom on what I know about the story.  Sometimes I come back and finish those; every now and then I find one and go, "What the hell was I thinking?  Hmm.  And why did I stop?"  But I also keep notes for story ideas. But if I'm tired, sometimes I just hope I'll remember the idea come back to the it.

20 -Do you ever get bunnied from other people's stories or art in the same fandom?

Art, sometimes, yes.  People's stories... not usually, no.  I'm usually in the story, not thinking of 'what next?' or 'how would I do that?'  This probably explains why I don't play in the remixes, come to think of it.

The full list of questions, linked to answers, is here.

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