Anti-rec: "The Lost Symbol"

May 07, 2011 12:30

Yes, I knew going in that Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" was probably (okay, almost certainly) going to be terrible. This is why I bought the paperback, at a used bookstore. (To which it's going right back.) I freely admit, I figured I'd mock it every few pages, then either throw it across the room or drop it on the resale pile.

Yeah. Lost Symbol is "bad beyond all infinite dimensions of possible badness."* To be precise, it's a really bad quality hot dog: recognizable elements chopped and mixed together madly, way too much cheap filler, stuffed in dragged- out entrails (and I mean that in lots of senses, including the constant foreshadowing), and in dire need of toasting.

But I got to mock it all the way through, between widespread reading in mythology and forensics, and it got me through a two mile walk chanting, "The CIA is not authorized to work on US soil." But it's going back to the bookstore, to get some of my money back. ::cheerful:: Now I'll just go reward myself with the new Sookie book.

* Quote from Opus/Berke Breathed.

ETA: Spoilers in the comments.

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