There's a wheelbarrow on top of my house

Sep 05, 2010 15:26

Yeah. Really. We're getting a new layer of shingles on the roof (and taking off all the old ones first) because we'd been getting running water during storms. Thankfully, mostly in places where running water wasn't too much damage, but still.
draconis teaches karate in the front yard twice a week, so there's a wheelbarrow on my roof to let the roofers put debris (including nails) somewhere barefoot martial artists won't get upset.

Let's see: my mother's birthday is next week and for her birthday she wants... an IOU. For some of the local-to-me chocolate she can't get right now, because it's too hot to mail chocolate from Tennessee to Florida. :amused:: There's something all wrong about sending my mom an IOU, but it's what she wants. I might take her for a massage, too. My father-in-law turns 75 at the end of this month and, as usual, we have no idea what to get him. He tends to get what he wants when he wants it. His suggestion so far was a high-power flashlight which just doesn't seem quite right for 75 either...

I'm currently devouring a mystery series written in the late '60s/early '70s about a British spinster art teacher named Miss Seeton, who has no idea that she's a trouble-magnet *or* a psychic. She occasionally turns out some very interesting sketches for the police, as you might imagine. I'm enjoying her and the other characters very much. There's a Scotland Yard Superintendent Delphick, frequently referred to as Oracle, and his huge (6' 7" and built like a rugby player) Sergeant Ranger. Miss Seeton, an umbrella, and an artist's box are a dangerous combination, but a lot of fun to read about. I'm also reading Rhys Bowen's Constable Evans series, also great fun, and probably still in bookstores. The Miss Seeton books are pretty much library and used bookstore only, drat it.

Dragon's been sort of on vacation (he's had to work parts of 5 days of what was *supposed* to be 10 days off including weekends; his first vacation since last October at that), so we've been dealing with contractors to get the roof fixed. While they were doing that, we put in a ceiling fan in the kitchen and a new light fixture in the dining room. Other than that and work, mostly it's been a week of letting Dragon catch up on sleep and the two of us occasionally going out to restaurants we like. Yesterday we got a massage and were boggled by the lady who came out after we did and promptly got self-righteous -- pointedly so, in our direction -- about bottled water and plastic trash islands. Never mind that the masseusses hand you the water afterwards, or that we both recycle. I think she may've needed a much longer massage than she got...

Oh, well. Now, if we could just get the wheelbarrow off the roof (and the trash skip out of the driveway) soon.... Of course this is a very random post. Did you not see the subject line?

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birthdays, books: recommendations, vacation, family, massage, house, easily amused

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