I can't be the only person who does this, right?

Aug 25, 2010 19:18

I went through three different files because I saw the file name and had to open them and read before I could go, "Oh, that story.  Hmm."  One of them, I had to read the comments to see what in the world I thought I was doing.  (I'm going to let Cory Raines back on the Hellmouth?  What was I thinking?  Well, okay, other than the part where it would be fun, and Oz is a blast.  Hmm.)  The rest of y'all have story starts that you meant to come back to, right?

And then there's the other thing amusing me.  I have three crossover ideas in mind: HL/Burn Notice, HL/White Collar, and XF/Warehouse 13.  (
alysswolf , I may yet get even with you for that last one.)  Hmm.  Make that four.  I forgot I was going to write XF/Riddle-Master of Hed just to prove it could be done.  Anyway.   I have two story prompts to write from the 'random line of fic' meme since er, apparently I don't remember some of my own stories. (Yes, that's an oops.) And I have Word and iTunes open and I'm writing... none of the above. I am completely bemused by this,and yet, I also do not mind because a story I have been trying to write since at least 2003, and have started five different times and ways... is working. Back later.

stormyseasons, I don't really think this is what you had in mind for reverence, sorry! I will get to that one. Just, er, you know, not yet.)
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writing: discussions, writing: updates, writing: story ideas, fandoms: x-files, memes, fandoms: white collar, fandoms: warehouse 13, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: burn notice

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