Why I write fanfic meme

May 14, 2010 14:20

Gacked from
devohoneybee , who got it from
devilc , who saw it at
darkrose 's dw.

Bold any reasons that apply to you, strike out any that don't (if you feel like it), and add three (or more, or less) reasons of your own to the bottom.

1. To explore themes that I don't get to see in mass media using characters I love.
2. Because it's fun.
3. Because mass media does a crappy job of representing my race, gender, and sexual orientation.
4. Because I can get more people aboard my ship writing a story than a manifesto.
5. Because TV science-fiction doesn't explore its science-fiction premises in enough depth.
6. Because it's a gift I can give a stranger and know they will enjoy it.
7. Because I resonate emotionally with the characters what I read and watch, and want to find out why by writing about it.
8. Because every tale is a universe, often with fascinating nooks and crannies that the original author never explored.
9. Because I've made some of my best and dearest friends through this very whacky hobby.
10. Because the world the creator made is vast, and I want to see more of it.
11. Because writing as a communal experience is amazing.
12. Because I can.
13. Because I get so much enjoyment from reading fan fiction that I want to contribute to the community by providing enjoyment for other fans.
14. When I become interested in particular actors and/or characters, sometimes I want to explore them in different contexts than their canons would ever allow.
15. I enjoy writing but I feel ambivalent about trying to get published; writing fan fiction frees me by removing the pressure to sell from consideration.
16. Because every time I write something, I learn more about writing. And myself. And my readers.
17. Because someone can find it and know that there are other people out there who respond to media that way.
18. Because writing porn and having someone say, "this is hot!" is an empowering experience.
19. Because telling stories is what I do, and I base my stories on the world around me, including things that I read, watch, and listen to.
20. Because sometimes I just want to focus on the story itself rather than getting bogged down in the backstory.
21. Because as a person of color, I am invisible in nearly all science fiction and fantasy, on screen or in print, and I want to see myself reflected in the stories I love.
22) Because I like the challenge of it and that sense of accomplishment when I finish.
23) Storytelling using mythologicical, folk, and culturally constructed worlds and characters is ANCIENT and germane to how humans relate and make meaning with each other. I write fanfic to participate in that process.
24) The fanfic world is a community of interpretation and meaning, an Agadic process with its own rules, customs, ethics, jokes, and history. It's participatory in a way that the writing and reading of commercially based productions, with its clearly demarcated lines between "writer" and "reader/consumer" can never be.
25) Writing and reading fanfic is empowering.

my addition:

26) Because mass media does a crappy job of representing my religious affiliations or lack thereof.
27) Because my show is *over*.  There are no more series eps coming out.  (And the movies are ohimgod bad.)
28) Because I want stories about the secondary characters, and the tertiary ones too -- the old friend de jour, male or female, the fascinating villain, the sidekick who had such possibilities.

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fandom, fanfic, writing: discussions, memes, meta, friends

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