
Feb 10, 2010 13:52

So far today, I've gotten in the groceries and the other normal errands for for the week, gotten Monday's flat tire patched (no charge; I love road hazard insurance!), and proven to the library that yes, really, I had returned the book and don't owe them money and now can I have the books I was trying to check out Friday? Oh, and I've sorted out the first world problem of how to keep the Wii remote and balance board powered without going broke financially and environmentally on batteries.  Not a bad morning's work.

Then I came home and dragged

draconis /jcbdragon  out of the house for lunch.  He's working insane hours and if he isn't *here*, they can't call him or expect him to interrupt lunch to answer questions.  it seemed like even more of a good idea given that we probably have more snow coming tomorrow, which means it's probably headed to the east coast/Atlantic seaboard/New England Saturday.  Sorry, guys.  I know a lot of you are tired of it.  Me, I'm just tired, so I'm off for a nap.

day in the life, weather, exercise: wii fit

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