Yesterday's Friday 5, a little late

Jan 30, 2010 22:57

Fromfannish5 yesterday: List five characters you'd want on your side in any kind of trouble. Bonus points for assembling an "Action Team" with complementary skills.

What the hell, let's do two: one female a couple days early forhalfamoon, and one male because this is just too fun (Man, though, I could easily name complete teams just from Highlander. Another reason I loved that show.)

Team A:
  • Lead: Mathew McCormick, Highlander -- used to working in teams and with anyone, goal oriented, and works by the book -- right up until he has to start rewriting it.
  • Intel: Alec Hardison, Leverage -- Age of the Geek, baby. 'Nuff said.
  • Thief: Alex Krycek, X-Files -- thief, hacker, spy, saboteur, and completely ruthless.
  • Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief: Methos, Highlander. Been there, done that, and again, completely ruthless if needed.
  • Research/Magic/Field Medic: Rupert Giles, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer -- not least for his ability to work with almost anyone. And patch them up.

Team Z:
  • Lead/Brain: Miss Marple, Miss Marple novels. Because no one gets away with much around her.
  • Thief/Charmer: Amanda, Highlander -- thief, con-artist, swordwoman.
  • Scientist/Pilot/Genius: Emma Peel, The Avengers -- see the list, add in the leather jumpsuit, and stand well back.
  • Research: Evelyn O'Connor, The Mummy -- can research anything, and has a knack for stumbling into the perfect thing to help.
  • Magic/Medicine: Esmeralda Weatherwax, Discworld novels -- a witch to her boot tips, an expert in headology, and has won an argument or three with Death. (Although I'm terrified to let her and Miss Marple in one place.)

fandoms: leverage, fandoms: miss marple, fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, fandoms: discworld, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: highlander

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