Win some, lose some

Jan 18, 2010 17:42

Well, this quiz amuses me:

Your result for The Improved Book Character-Savvy Test...

You scored 90% Best Seller, 78% Classic and 96% Fantasy/Sci-Fi!

You are pretty wicked, huh? I'm impressed. Thumbs up for you, you're good stuff. Just remember to look up, speak nicely, and not to twiddle your fingers all the time.

Your rank: The Penguin (Just because.)
Take The Improved Book Character-Savvy Test at OkCupid

This article, however, does not:  "U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes".  I thought it was some conspiracy theory nuttiness until I realized it was ABC News reporting it.  ::shaking head:: We're already having problems with the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan being perceived as a war on Islam.  This sort of thing will make it even worse.
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quizzes, religion, politics

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