Friday Fannish Five and weather forecasts

Jan 08, 2010 10:34

Today's fannish5: Name five characters who should have their own spinoffs.

Hell, the hard part is stopping at five.

5. Oz -- for a view of the Buffy-verse that covers monster and hero, and does a lot more wandering around the world.
4. Alex Krycek -- the Consortium from a POV that can make sense of it, and someone who's less interested in how the monsters live/their fable-background and more interested in 'how do we kill it.'
3. Matthew McCormick -- you can do comedy, immortal drama, cop drama, historical... great possibilities here if you combine the HL range and great secondary characters with the FBI agent potential.
2. Methos -- see above about HL range and characters and add in Methos having done everything from drama to comedy (frequently all in one episode; see "Indiscretions," a.k.a. "The Joe & Methos Road Trip") and he has 5,000 years of personal history to work with. Really. It's a gimme.
1. Joe Dawson/the Watchers -- the HL show I always wanted, actually. I wanted a show where Joe narrated the opening and closing and some of the scenes from the Watcher POV... and the scenes he *isn't* narrating are how it *really* happened. Oh, I wanted this spinoff. ::sigh::

As to weather? It's supposed to be a low of 15 (F) today. At 10:00 it was up to 12, and an hour later it's 15 with a windchill of 4. It wasn't supposed to snow today. It was snowing when I was out at 10. I can only say, 'HAH!'

weather, memes: friday five

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