Yup, I do this every year! Fun!
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulgryphonrhi goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Catwoman.
alysswolf gives you 5 blue root beer-flavoured gummy worms.
anaith gives you 9 light green evil-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
eldritchhobbit gives you 14 green mint-flavoured gummy bats.
flambeau gives you 12 dark green chocolate-flavoured wafers.
jimpage363 gives you 18 pink cola-flavoured wafers.
killabeez tricks you! You lose 5 pieces of candy!
pentapus gives you 18 mottled green strawberry-flavoured gumdrops.
rike_tikki_tavi tricks you! You lose 5 pieces of candy!
spook_me gives you 2 orange root beer-flavoured gummy worms.
tarshaan gives you 10 dark blue peach-flavoured gumdrops.gryphonrhi ends up with 78 pieces of candy.Another fun meme brought to you by
And now off to make dinner. No candy, though, drat it!