This, that, the other: local politics, TV shows I'm loving, and books I'm reading.

Jul 30, 2009 12:51

In four hours, Memphis gets a different mayor, and we are past overdue. The best thing I can say about Herrenton is that he's not yet been convicted, which puts him very faintly ahead of Marion Barry of D.C. But I could bitch about Herrenton for hours, having lived here since he was still superintendent of city schools, and why bother? He's leaving (not entirely of his own will), and good riddance, and don't let the door hit you on the way out -- we'd refute a lawsuit wth your own failure to do proper maintenance when you were mayor.

Right, politics aside, who else is enjoying the hell out of Warehouse 13? I must admit, I watched the second ep because Merewyn told me to and because I like Sual Rubinek (playing Artie and having a complete blast. That was enough to get me to watch the pilot and now I'm really enjoying this. The fact that I majored in history probably has a lot to do with that, too! Anyone else having a complete blast? (Please note: this is a squee post. If you don't like Warehouse 13, pass on by.)

It's scary: I'm watching TV again. Warehouse 13 on Tuesday or Friday, Burn Notice on Thursday, Eureka on Friday (and it got renewed for another 22 eps -- whee!). I'd watch Leverage, but I'm not sure I can catch up, having missed most of Season 1. Hmm. On Demand or Hulu, maybe? Anyway. This is kinda fun. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy a weekly series, and time to wonder where the arcs are going.

::shrugs:: As long as I'm doing a general update post, I devoured Charlaine Harris' Aurora Teagarden mysteries and mostly enjoyed them a great deal. Now i'm rereading Jim Butcher's Dresden Files. And we're getting wet, grey, relatively cool (only mid-80s in July? this is relatively cool!) weather, which is lovely. I'm sorry as hell that my friends in the PacNW are getting *our* summers, though! Hope things break very soon for you!

And, that said, I'm off to break open a story file or three. Later!

tv, books: recommendations, weather, writing, politics

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