I'm cleaning up formatting on a chunk of a fic to post here, because it would be insane to let Fox Mulder find out about immortals. Not to mention lethal to a whole lot of immortals. (Boy do I owe my betas apologies -- ladies, you were so very right!) So, er, scrap that, I'll rewrite the fic to handle the almost as aggravating problem of keeping Mulder *out*. In the meantime, I'm cleaning up the relevant scenes to post because it was a really good threesome, damn it! However,it's 28,000 words being yanked out, so er, it's going to take me a couple days, sorry. This is, pretty much, the public notice of 'working on it, smut up soon' so that it actually gets done this year. I meant to do this *last* February. Oops.