Apples and oranges time, a.k.a. The Stupid, It Burns.

Feb 05, 2009 13:58

Apparently, there are some complaints that Obama has a lot of damn gall cutting CEOs down to $500,000 and no more perks when he gets $400,000 and all sorts of perks that he's denying the CEOs. I'm not even going to get into the point about 'Why should you get a bonus for needing government funds to bail you out?' I'm just going to point out three main differences I see here:

1) The CEO of a large company can be out of touch for a weekend.
2) A CEO is not considered to represent the US to the world at all times.
3) A CEO doesn't routinely have people plotting against his life, or have control of nukes.

(I did find it interesting that no, the President doesn't pay taxes for having a chef, or a private jet, but he does have his food, toiletries, etc deducted from his pay check. Also his family's food, etc. For that matter, the use of Air Force One to any fundraisers has to be repaid by the political committee involved in said fundraiser.)


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