
Nov 01, 2008 12:09

I'm setting up a filter over at Moonwrit for anyone who wants to see my posts on word counts/strange questions/'please cheer me on; I'm stuck!' If by any chance you'd like to watch me go crazy this month, just reply here and I'll add you to the filter. Any encouragement would be appreciated, but it will be filtered rather than drive my friends' list crazy.

ETA: Today was apparently not one of my brighter days; Moonwrit is now set up to let anyone reply, LJ ID or anonymous. Sorry about that!! (Maybe I was feeling paranoid after Strikethrough '07? Dunno!)

And, that said: Good luck to everyone who's doing any kind of writing goal this week, from 50K to 100/day to holiday fic exchanges!

nanowrimo, writing: updates

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