Fannish Friday 5 & a book recommendation

Oct 10, 2008 15:08

Today's Friday 5, the fan version: List five characters you think need a hug.

5 Sunda Kastagir. What? To hear him tell it, he needs a hug. Preferably from a lovely lady with a good laugh...
4 Hugh FitzCairn. See Sunda Kastagir.
3 Rupert Gilles. He's lost two girlfriends over seven seasons, is currently heading up training a lot of Slayers with very little backup after the destruction of the Watchers, and the man's still at it.
2 Duncan MacLeod. Because, yeah, brooding Scot and as sherrold put it at one Escapade, he does cry in canon a lot. (He's had plenty of reason, God knows.)
1 Benton Fraser. If, you know, he'd take one.

And book recommendation: I picked up Stieg Larsson's The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo because it looked interesting and I liked the summary and it was 40% off at B&N with my discount card. It was worth every penny. It's been a long time since I've had a novel I read through like that one, not wanting to put it down to chat or post on LJ or catch up on friends' list. I'm planning to buy the two sequels as soon as they're out in English. The short summary is that a financial journalist ends up working through the history of a family of Swedish industrial magnates to figure out who killed one of the heirs almost forty years ago. Along the way, he ends up getting help from a 24 year old private investigator/hacker, and the differences between them go past gender and generation and into ethics and worldview. They're fascinating to watch, both separately and together.

The description doesn't do it justice, but I'm trying not to spoil it, either. It's like running into an Agatha Christie locked-room mystery set in turn of the 20th century Sweden, I think, only more so. Anyway. I really enjoyed it, and y'all might too.

books: recommendations, memes: friday five

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