If the characters wrote fanfic, part 3

Sep 12, 2008 00:08

Gacked from killabeez:
So, if your characters wrote fanfic... what would they write?
Part one, mostly HL -- Amanda, Carl, Cory & Matthew -- and one XF.
Part two, Mag7, SPN, HL & XF.

Sam Axe: Reads romance novels for the tips. Lots of them. (What? You thought he got all those sugar mamas by accident?) But when Sam writes fanfic, he writes Equalizer stories. Smart, retired spies, sneaky plots, and a lot of do-gooding? Sam's just like that.

Michael Westin: Doesn't have much time for it, but he has to do something when the club downstairs is too loud even for him and hs muscles are already bitching about the day's workouts. When he does write, you can believe MacGyver got out of trouble with some cake frosting, some KY jelly, and a cell phone.

Fiona Glenanne: Writes X-Files fanfic where Marita kicks ass and does not take names; Krycek ditto. And she's in the middle of a story arc that'll destroy the Oil planet-wide, and make the readers believe it could work. (When Michael's been particularly dense, though, Krycek can be a bit stupid. And prone to eat yogurt...)

Madeleine Westin: Has been known to read Scully/Mulder fanfic, the shmoopier the better. Lately, she's started reading The Avengers fanfic (Steed/Ms. Peel all the way) and some het Man from UNCLE. Not that she's been known to indulge in wish-fulfillment or anything...

Natalie Lambert: Would rather die than admit it, but she writes really cheesy, Anne Rice-style lush, overdone human/vampire fanfic. Lots of romantic biting and hot sex. She also acts as a beta for some of the cop show fanfic, especially Homicide: Life on the Streets and X-Files. The Scully-writers consider her one of their best resources.

Nick Knight: Would *definitely* rather die than admit it, but he's been known to write Arabian Nights (and Knights) fanfic. And he's starting to consider writing vampire erotica -- someone ought to do it right....

Lucien LaCroix: Doesn't write fanfic. He writes an advice column. Terrifyingly appropriate advice, if a little sharp-edged and intolerant of stupidity. "If you stay with someone who treats you so abominably, you *will* deserve what you get," has been written a time or two; so has "When you look in the mirror, do you have a warp and weave or are you made of skin and hair, muscle and bone? If the latter, quit acting like a doormat." Oddly enough... people like it.

Javier Vachon: Has been known, when bored, to write Zorro stories, frequently based on real events. Then he found out about the internet and posted them. Including the story where Zorro formed an alliance with a character very much like the Incan. The story that surprises him with the feedback he gets for it, however, is the further adventure of Don Quixote de la Mancha and his faithful squire Sancho. He's actually tempted to keep writing adventures for them.

Dief: Can't write fanfic, but he would so completely rewrite the Lassie stories from Lassie's point of view, given half a chance. For that matter, he could write some great Oz fic (from Buffy: the Vampire Slayer.) Failing that, though, he's happy to watch the Iditarod because he's not the one pulling the sled...

Ray Kowalski: Doesn't write fanfic, although he will critique the cop shows in a heartbeat, and has been known to make up rude limericks, particularly about Starsky and Hutch.

Ray Vecchio: On bad days -- when cases aren't going right, and Lt. Welsh is being sarcastic, and his mother's asking (again) when he's going to get married and give her grandkids -- Ray locks his bedroom door, pulls on his velvet smoking jacket, pours himself some brandy, and writes Man from UNCLE fic, where THRUSH get their much-deserved ass-kickings and Napoleon gets the girl. Or girls.

Frannie Vecchio: Would never, ever tell her family, but she writes Sentinel fanfic. Shmoopy, porny, silly Sentinel fanfic. She was very surprised to realize she was writing slash. She was downright shocked the first time she wrote a crossover -- which turned into femslash and paired Megan Connor with Sara Pezzinni from Witchblade. Then she realized,when she quit typing, that it was scorchingly hot one-handed reading. It's making her reconsider her dating habits.

Lt. Welsh: Isn't always working on reports at that desk. Sometimes, when the day has been even crazier than usual, he writes Hercules: the Legendary Journeys fanfic. Because when the agora of the latest village is only *as* nutty as the front room of the 27th precinct, at least Lt. Welsh doesn't have to deal with crazy Greek gods as well. Hercules and Iolaus, on the other hand....

Benton Fraser: Writes Jane Austen fanfic under his mother's maiden name, as a tribute to her and his librarian grandparents. Most of the time however, he is, single-handed, 93% of the Sackett fanfic on the web. (It's down from 99%; he's very pleased about that.) Like the novels, his fic is full of small details about wildlife, plants, geography, mining, riding, herding, tracking, and fighting. Stories and skills he can't get Chicagoans to listen to get long letters of comment on the Web; it makes him feel like he's doing something useful even when he's exhausted (or battered).

Krycek: Has been known to exorcise parts of his past onto paper in Supernatural fanfic. His monsters are terrifying enough in what they do. The implications of how they think is even worse. And if some of the demons look, act, or talk like Consortium members he was glad to kill, that's fine by him. After all, if there is a hell, Krycek's already sent them there once. He's willing to do it again fictionally.

fandoms: man from uncle, fandoms: forever knight, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: zorro the gay blade, fandoms: hercules the legendary journeys, fandoms: due south, fandoms: supernatural, memes, characters: lucien lacroix, characters: alex krycek, fandoms: burn notice

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