If you still want to guess, go
- Gregor was fairly certain that Duncan would have mentioned it if he'd loaned him a cabin that came with a wolf. Ill Met By Moonlight (Highlander/Buffy: the Vampire Slayer)
- The men involved were, when all was said and done, professionals. Sirocco (Highlander, Aidan-verse)
- The guy's barely shorter than I am, I doubt he's lighter, and I'm starting to think he's every bit as dangerous. Cornered Rat (X-Files/Highlander)
- She killed her first man when she was thirteen. Unanswered Riddles (Riddlemaster of Hed)
- Matthew McCormick studied the jail cell with a careful eye for the details. Appearances (Highlander/Magnificent 7)
- "I need a vacation, you said." Fire in the Hole (Highlander/X-Files/Buffy: the Vampire Slayer)
- The ticking of the clock drew him up the first time, aggravating him with the irregular beat -- or he was fading in and out? The Devil's Own (Highlander/X-Files)
- Her face was white as milk, there on the asphalt. The Ways The World Ends (X-Files)
- It began as it always began: a sudden sharp pain behind his temples, like a spike hammered completely through his head in one blow. Poaching (Highlander, Aidan-verse)
- Blood cleans off a blade so easily, really. Parched (Highlander)
- He's quiet, our stranger, with the strained, tight silence of a dog that's been kicked for every bark from 'hey, you're not supposed to be in here' to 'hello.' Our Stranger (X-Files)
- He killed again today. Handled With A Chain (Highlander)
- The road tugs at your feet: cold, wet, sucking mud like spring nights hunting for a lost ewe about to have her lamb, ruts under your soles like the roads into the West when you left New York the first time to cross the Plains. Memento (Mori) (Highlander)
- The road is old, a narrow ribbon of beaten earth running between browning fields of corn left standing, unpicked, under a red-orange harvest moon. Therapeutic (Highlander)
- Silence poured over the night, dense and moving from spot to spot ahead of the rushing wind. Shadow Plays (Highlander/Forever Knight, Aidan-verse)
- The sun's baking him in his own salt, hot enough already that the sky's more white than blue. Talents (Highlander)
- Liquid trickled down his back, rain or sweat, but just out of reach and incredibly annoying as a result. It'll Never Work (Highlander)
- Mulder pulled the jeep over onto the shoulder of the Blue Ridge Parkway and turned off the engine, ignoring the lack of guardrails. Respite (X-Files/Buffy: the Vampire Slayer)
- I awoke to the scratch of wool and the scent of someone who was mine. Drowning (Forever Knight)
- The teachers never tell you about this part of a quickening. Falling Stars (Highlander)
- They don't tell you things like this at the Watcher academy. Fools Everywhere (Highlander)
I had other favorite first lines, but they gave the story away pretty much immediately, or could have gone with, well, almost anything. Now I need to go look over my most recent first lines and see if they tell me anything about my writing style. I have a feeling they vary too much for that...