Is this thing on?

Apr 02, 2008 10:55

I suspect a 'still aten't dead' post is in order. It's been a little busy around here.

In the last week or so, I/we have
  • painted the dining room (including moving furniture out and back in), which now looks fabulous. I need to find the before pictures so I can show off the after. Take my word for it, though, wow
  • seen my mother twice (she's only up here a few times a year). I helped diagnose her computer problem which JCBdragon then fixed by reinstalling the software,
  • spent an evening with my sister and her family (three girls, ages 5, 3, and 2 -- hoo boy the energy and decibel levels!),
  • had dinner with my mother-in-law, who made a flying visit through town, and shown her the house, which she hadn't seen yet,
  • started catching up on embarrassingly backlogged feedback
  • kept up the daily walks (6 weeks, 2 miles a day minimum -- go me!)
  • read at least five novels (Ngaio Marsh, Grave Danger and Light Thickens; the revised edition of Martha Wells' The Element of Fire, which I can't recommend highly enough; Laurie King's Folly, ditto; Ann Maxwell's Shadow and Silk) and found and finished A Short History of Nearly Everything
  • on my GP's advice, cut my hair. Shrewreader, it's now as short as yours used to be. I'm talking only past the ears when wet, and curling madly in the back,
  • and gotten lovely news from my GP. From the last time he's seen me, I'm down 10/10 on blood pressure, 30 beats per minute on heartrate, and 7 pounds. He last saw me in October, so this is 7 lbs including Thanksgiving and Christmas. YAY!

So. Still not dead. Very late on feedback, but catching up and apologizing everywhere. I'm reading mostly non-fiction now (Eva Cantarella's Bisexuality in the Ancient World; Peter Ackroyd's London The Biography, which is literally falling apart as I read it, damn it; Adrienne Mayor's The First Fossil Hunters, which starts out by hunting for the source of griffins; and Jim Butcher's new Dresden File, Small Favor) and writing another Gregor and Oz fic, currently called "Dreams That Blister Sleep." I have no idea where it's going, but it may yet be even weirder than "Ill Met By Moonlight."

As a side note: Eponin10, you know how I thought the last one was going to be 5k and it was more like 13-16k? I *think* this one's going to be 12k. Is it just me or am I screwed?

Now I just need to finish more of my to-do list and, you know, keep writing. Whoof. Bye again!

books: recommendations, books, family, health, exercise, writing: updates, hair, house, authors: martha wells

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