Huh, it's been how long since I posted?

Feb 20, 2008 18:00

Yup, still alive. Doing some walking (ten miles over the last four days), some beading (denim lapis, hematite, aragonite,various colors of moonstone), some reading (Ngaio Marsh and Mark del Franco on the ficiton side, army special forces, warriors throughout history, and metabolism on the non-fiction side), and trying to finish stories while various muses tempt me with new things to write instead. I've about decided to throw one story out as 'sick to death of fighting with it' and I'm glaring at others. I've also managed to SNAFU most of my iTune playlists, which is not helping; now I want to kill the old playlists and go back to the timesuck of creating new ones. I think I'll go finish a few things instead.

Short version: still alive. Hope everyone else is doing well!

exercise: walks, day in the life, books

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