Friday five and LJ PSA

Feb 01, 2008 23:52

Name five songs (or whole playlists, if you want to get ambitious) that you associate with particular fictional characters.

Cory Raines or Amanda or maybe both (Highlander): Minor Swing, by Django Reinhardt
Sarah Pezzini (Witchblade): Jig of Life, Kate Bush (I completely blame Astolat for this)
Ezra Standish (Magnificent 7): Shape of My Heart, Sting
Alex Krycek (X-Files): I Don't Care Anymore,Genesis, or Where I Want to Be, from Chess
Methos (Highlander): Murder by Numbers, The Police

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And, LJ aside, I'm now wondering what song would fit Connor best, so not a bad night.

memes: friday five, livejournal, psa, music

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