I can't be the only one who refuses to kill a story that's made it through first draft... can I?

Oct 17, 2007 15:02

Still not dead. And for the record, the first draft of this fic: 3,592 words. Only problem is, it doesn't work. GAH. God knows what the word count'll be on the second draft, but I'm off to change the setting and write the mother again (Old, Bold Marines for the um, half dozen or so of you who might know what I'm talking about), then go back to work on the 3,000 words or so of Ramirez res fic, and the 7,000 words of Storm Crow....

::stares out the window:: I was promised rain. I'd really like it if I got rain instead of a hovering front. Hmmph. Off to write.

characters: joe dawson, stories: storm crow, weather, stories: resurrection fics, writing: updates

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