After about three weeks of fighting off a UTI, I figured out I was also running a low-grade fever (still) and called my doctor to see if he wanted me to come in. Er, yes. (Hey, this is an improvement. It's taken six years for me to start getting it through my head that I'm really, actually sick, not a hypochondriac. Er, let's move along.) Anyway. Good news is, I kicked the UTI's ass. I have no UTI. I do not have to worry it will (again) go into a kidney infection.
::sigh:: I do, however, seem to be having an arthritis flare-up. To which I can only say, WTF? So far, this inflammatory disorder has gone after kidneys, muscles, tendons, and the lining of my lungs. It hasn't gone after bone before, and er, y'know? Ten hours after the exam, I'm still going 'ow' in places he poked to check what was up. ::shrugs:: My bad. I wanted to beat the UTI. Did that. Wanted off the Aleve for a little while. Have accomplished that. (One week of steroids, here I come.) And I wanted my doctors, just once, to see me while I was in full flare-up on this crap, instead of having to take my word for symptoms. Unfortunately, did this, too.
I might need to be more careful what I ask for. But I think I'm going to put it in the win column, too, for kicking the UTI by myself and recognizing I was getting into trouble and going and getting help. This an improvement.
Oh, well. This, too, shall pass.