What the hell, why not?

May 20, 2007 23:38

Gacked from Medie:

Name a character and I'll tell you three (or more) facts about them from my own personal pseudo-canon. (If I don't know the fandom, I'll let you know tomorrow and we can try again...)

ETA: Evening of May 21st: Right, I'm headed to bed. I'll come back to these tomorrow. Some of these facts you may have figured out from my fics, some are from fics in progress, and some I had no clue about, but if you haven't asked, go ahead. ::amused:: I'm learning things, too, after all.

ETFA: Evening of May 23rd. Er. Three still to go, in two or three fandoms, depending. Lord.

Last ETA: Okay, this is now closed to further requests, because I'm done with these at last on June 4th. YAY!

Final list:

Blood Ties (TV): Henry Fitzroy
Dresden Files (TV): Bob (aka Rothbert of Bainbridge)
Firefly: Shepherd Book
Forever Knight: LaCroix, Vachon
Full Metal Alchemist: Roy Mustang
Highlander: Aidan, Alex & Xan, Connor, Cory, Darius, Duncan, Kastagir, Marcus Constantine, Matthew, Methos, Ramirez & Rebecca
Pirates of the Caribbean: Sparrow
Stargate Atlantis: Sheppard
X-Files: Mulder, Krycek (twice)

fandoms: forever knight, writing: story ideas, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: dresden files, fandoms: stargate atlantis, fandoms: full metal alchemist, fandoms: blood ties, memes, fandoms: firefly, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: pirates of the carribean

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