Sheer curiosity

Jan 05, 2007 22:37

Not a 'what should I work on next?' so much as a 'what do you want to read?' So, These are the stories I'm likely to work on anytime soon.

Storm Crow -- The rebellion has to begin in three months, and Matthew McCormick just tracked Alex Krycek down. (XF/HL)

Depth of Field -- Duncan's living in San Francisco, is in a relationship with Matthew McCormick, and Methos just showed up. (HL primarily; next part of Southern Comfort -- this and one other to go, whoohoo!)

Smoke and Dreams (now The Hands Fate Dealt) -- The one thing you really shouldn't do, most likely, is ask a real fortuneteller to read your palm. Mulder, however, always has to stick his fingers in the goo. (XF, and not one but six HL crossovers, including, at the least, Dead Zone. All because I needed to find a way to salvage a really good slash threesome.)

Hot Pursuit -- It's a hell of a thing to be an FBI agent watching a Mountie chase a perp down the street -- running perp, buggie-driving Mountie. In US territory. (HL/dS)

Names' Sake -- Ever wonder if Methos has to live up to the title of Death? (HL/Greek myth)

Sex, Drugs, & Magick -- Er. Kronos, Ripper, and a Rolling Stones concert. Need I say more? (HL/BtVS)

Through Different Eyes -- Welcome to the Game, Tracy. And to Connor MacLeod's world. (FK/HL, Aidan-verse)

Stained Glass -- Line war's aftermath. (HL, Aidan-verse)

So? Which ones are you interested in reading? It may still be a matter of 'which one do I know the next part of?' but it's always nice to know what people are wanting to read, too.

Poll Stories you'd like to see.... And now, back to the more regularly scheduled writing and webwork.

writing: discussions, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: stargate atlantis, stories: hlcrossovers, fandoms: dead zone, fandoms: due south, stories: storm crow, stories: southern comfort, fandoms: highlander

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