Mini_Wrimo update & the day

Nov 04, 2006 23:42

Another 250 words, still on Depth of Field. ::sigh:: This story is going to kill me. Or get me killed. Same difference. (Iroshi, this is the one where I'm going to need a bodyguard, dear.) Oh, well, a month of 100-300 words a night may get me past the parts of it I'm hating so I can finish the mother and go on to the next one. Maygra? Thanks for suggesting this and getting me into it.

On the other hand, I added another 9 stories to HL Fiction, too. And this morning I got to hike 2-3 miles along a river, see some turtles and a blue heron; I also realized I can still ID fox and coyote scat. Pretty, pretty day and really good company. So, not all bad at all. Night, folks!

ETA: If you have a strong opinion for or against getting these writing update posts, feel free to comment here. Unless folks just object to a daily post about 'this was the day and I managed to write X,' I'm going to keep writing 'em this month.

challenges: mini_wrimo, day in the life, exercise: hiking, stories: southern comfort, writing: updates

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