::cheerful:: And I've done this to myself...

Oct 25, 2006 18:47

8 stories uploaded to HL Fiction Archive. ::wincing:: 80 more to go. One of them novel length. Eep. Well. 11% done....

Raine-Wynd, if you get to "One Clear Morning" and "Thieves and Other Rogues" first, can you throw me the text files to upload? Otherwise, I'll email you the text files when I get to them. Killa was wanting both authors of collaborations to post the story, so that it shows for both authors.

And now I'm going back to "Killing Time". 7,000 words so far and another 10,000 to go, I think. Or worse. I am *so* not going to make deadline....

writing: updates, challenges, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: full metal alchemist, holidays: halloween

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