Part 5 of the '5 things' meme, all HL

Oct 04, 2006 11:24

For Mischief5, 5 things Joe Dawson will never put in Duncan's chronicle (and the reasons he won't):
  • For a man who's roped cattle, sailed ships, run a printing press, and built log cabins... Mac's just about dangerous with plumbing. (But it was my beer spigot that sprayed him, and I'd rather not get shot for fraternization again.)
  • I'm not writing up the challenge Mac lost, and should never have taken. This'd be the one Connor warned him about, in advance, and Mac just had to try anyway. (The only reason I'm not writing it up, however, is the recipe for boom-boom that I'm not admitting I have. Connor even threw in the diagram for the still.)
  • Cory Raines backed Mac into a wall, wrapped around him better than an octopus, and planted a kiss on him that took a couple minutes to warm up and then another ten to separate. But I've never been sure Amanda and Cory didn't set it up to mess with the minds of future Watchers. And I have no idea how I explain Watching the whole thing anyway.
  • Ain't no way the story about Mac, Fitz, the bull, and the pissed-off farmer is going to make it into the official records. Hell, I'm not sure I should put it in my private journal. Something about a bull out to stud, some ice, some scattered coins, a thoroughly smelly farrmer, the bull taking a liking to Mac's crotch and Fitz's hair (and I'm not sure which of them was more offended)... I can't put this in the Chronicles. Too many 'laugh 'til you choke' stories about immortals and livestock anyway (and doesn't that lend new meanings to 'animal magnetism?'), and I don't actually know the whole story even now. We were all drunk and laughing our asses off. Wonder if Mac'd tell me again if I broke out the 16 year Lagavulin?
  • The one I'm never, ever putting in the Chronicles is Mac's duel with Connor. Not the lead up, not the duel, not the death and recrminations and weeping and wailing and rending of clothes in the gutter. Word is, if Connor, Mac, and plastic Jedi/Sith light sabers make it into the Chronicles, my alcohol supplier will quit supplying. Wonder what Connor's got on the guy?*

*With thanks to one of MacNair's stories, which I can't find online, drat it.

For Pat_T, 5 things Methos wants to tell Duncan about. Someday.

  • Methos changed flats in Munich one winter, and bought out the broken contract without a murmur, because of the bakery next door. He kept waking up expecting Gretchen to be in the kitchen waiting to tease him about oversleeping. She'd died two hundred years before.
  • He doesn't mind the mornings where he can't find his book from the night before becuase he's thinking of a night twenty years back. But Methos does mind the days when he turns down the wrong street because it looks like the right one... from another city, and another time. He spent half an hour trying to find a bookstore that probably didn't even exist anymore.
  • Sometimes, he wakes up in the middle of the night and his arm's curving over a lover long gone...
  • ...or one he's remembered, rather than gone to sleep beside.
  • Yes. There are things worth dying for. Methos would still rather live for them. And he'd really like to argue their respective lists one night morning, when it's dark enough, and cold enough, that there's nothing but arms, and legs, and blankets around you both, and a voice next to your ear almost as familiar as your own.

(Sorry, dear, I know this isn't quite what you asked for, but I came up with three of them while driving and only found out when I got home that I'd misremembered the request somewhat. Hope this is close enough to what you wanted, Pat!)

memes: 5 things, characters: connor, fandoms: highlander

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