Alphabetizing meme

Sep 04, 2006 13:07

Gacked from kaiz  : The alphabet of my fic:

I left out WIPs, rants/essays, and snippets. These included An Apology Snippet, Plus Ca Change, Stained Glass, Stormwrack & Driftwood, Stormy's Wedding, and things like 'How to Send Feedback' and 'In Defense of Original Characters.' 113 119 124 stories in 13 14 18 fandoms so far, and all but 5 4 letters of the alphabet used for titles. (Fandom 18 is in the researching stage...)

Fic listing by title, fandom, main characters. Alphabetized.

Fanfic listing by title, fandom, main characters. Alphabetized. Stories added since 09/04/06 are bolded.

Absent Companions -- (HL) (Aidan, Joe, Duncan)
Appearances -- (HL/M7) (Matthew, all of the Magnificent 7, Mary Travis, Inez Recillos, one skunk)

Balance Point -- (XF) (Mulder, Krycek)
Blood Like Wine -- (HL/BT) (Duncan, Henry Fitzroy)
Broken Silver Linings -- (Chronicles of Master Li & Number Ten Ox) (Ox, Master Li)

Challenges -- (HL) (Connor, Methos, Kastagir)
Clair de Lune -- (HL/B:tVS) (Joe & Oz)
Conclusions -- (XF) (Krycek, Diana Fowley)
Constants -- (HL/FF) (Amanda, Companions)
Cornered Rat (HL/XF) (Connor, Krycek)
Crystalline Patterns -- (HL/FK) (Aidan, Connor, Joe, Methos, Rich, LaCroix, a ton of others)
Currents -- (HL) (Aidan, Connor)

Dancing Days -- (HL) (Aidan, Duncan, Amanda, Joe)
Dark Nights & Souls -- (XF) (Marita)
De Profundis -- (HL) (Rev. Bell, Carl, Matthew, Derek)
Deadly Virtue, A -- (HL) (Duncan, Methos, Rich, Joe, Sinan)
Desolation -- (HL) (Aidan)
Devil's Own, The -- (HL/XF) (Krycek, Amanda, Cory, Rebecca)
Distinctions -- (HL)
Doppelganger -- (HL/XF) (Krycek, Matthew)
Double-Edged -- (HL)
Downbeat -- (XF) (Krycek)
Dream Controlled, A -- (XF) (Mulder)
Drops -- (XF/PotC) (Gibbs, the Pearl, name withheld for plot)
Drowning -- (FK) (LaCroix, the Caddy)
Drugs Are For Vampires Who Can't Handle Reality -- (HL)

Etudes In A Minor Key -- (XF/HL) (Krycek, Connor)
Even & Odds -- (Eroica) (Alphabet, Bonham, Jones)
Exodus 22:18 -- (XF/HL) (Krycek, Cassandra, Kronos)
Explanations -- (HL) (Aidan, Duncan, Joe, Methos, Damien, Stormy)

Fair and Dark -- (XF, Eroica) ('Mulder', Eroica)
Falling Stars -- (HL) (Rich, Carter)
Favors -- (HL) (Aidan, Methos, Duncan, Rich, Marc, Sinan)
Finish to Start -- (XF) (Krycek, Peskov)
Fire In The Hole (HL/XF/ B:tVS) (Cory Raines, Carl Robinson, Mulder, Oz, Giles, Robin)
First Harvests -- (HL) (Aidan, Duncan, Rich, Joe)
Flame of Memory, The -- (XF) (Mulder, Albert)
Focus -- (HL/WB) (Sara Pezzini, Connor MacLeod)
Fool & His Art, A -- (HL/XF) (Aidan, Walter Graham, Krycek)
Fools Everywhere -- (HL) (Haresh, Carter)
Force of Habit -- (HL/FK) (Aidan, Methos, Ramirez, Darius, LaCroix, Alex, Xan)
Forces -- (HL) (Methos)
Forge -- (HL) (Kastagir)
Form & Substance -- (HL) (Matthew, Duncan)

Game of Cat & Cat, A -- (HL/BT) (Amanda, Henry Fitzroy)
Gathering Darkness, The -- (HL) (Aidan, Duncan, Methos, Kyra, Joe, Erin)
Greatly Exaggerated -- (HL) (Kastagir, Tahir Massot)
Guises -- (XF/B:tVS) (Krycek, Oz)

Handled With a Chain -- (HL) (Horton)
Hold On -- (HL) (Aidan, Connor, Dani St. Vir, Damien)
Homecoming -- (HL/XF) (Krycek, Farrell Jameson, Zhenya, Vitalya, Andrei, Raya)
Hot Pursuit -- (HL/dS) (Matthew, Fraser, Dief)

I Can See Now -- (XF) (Krycek, Cigarette-Smoking Man, Skinner, Samantha)
Ill Met By Moonlight -- (HL/ B:tVS) (Gregor Powers, Oz)
Imaginings and Incantations -- (HL) (Duncan, Connor, Methos)
In Media Res -- (HL/XF) (Joe, Krycek, Cory)
The Innocent Sleep -- (HL) (Methos, Joe, Duncan, Amanda)
Intermezzo -- (HL/XF) (Aidan, Connor, Duncan, Methos, Rich, Gunmen, Damien, Stormy)
Intermission -- (HL) (Aidan, Rich, an idiot)
Invitations -- (HL) (Connor, Amanda, Duncan, Methos)
Irish Werewolf in America, An -- (HL/XF) (Skinner, Mulder, Ish, Hugh O'Neill_)
Ish's Journal -- (HL) (Ish, Damien, Farrell)
It'll Never Work -- (HL) (Methos, Amanda, Connor, Methuselah's Stone, name withheld for plot)

Joe's Journal -- (HL) (Joe, Duncan, Methos)

Keeping The Wolves From The Doors -- (HL/FMA/FK) (Darius, Connor, LaCroix, Ed & Al Elric)

Law of Averages -- (HL) (Methos, Duncan, Joe, Erin)
Letters on a Page -- (HL) (Methos, Aidan)
Lightning -- (HL) (Joe, Methos)

Marc Scipio's Journal -- (HL) (Marc)
Memento (Mori) -- (HL) (Duncan)

Neap Tide -- (XF) (Mulder, Krycek)
Needs Must -- (HL/XF) (Connor, Krycek)
Nosferateu -- (HL/FK) (Duncan, Methos, Janette)
Not In My Bar -- (HL/A-Team) (Joe, Face, Hannibal)

Oh, No! Not Another Learning Experience -- (HL) (Connor, Alex, Xan)
Old Gods Rise, The -- (HL) (Kronos)
One Clear Morning -- (HL) (Connor, Duncan, Brenda)
'Oops!' is a Four-Letter Word -- (HL) (Aidan, Marc, Alex, Xan, Marcus, etc)
Our Stranger -- (XF) (name withheld for plot)

Parched -- (HL) (Matthew)
Persona Non Grata -- (HL) (Amanda, Cory)
Pinstriped -- (XF) (Gunmen)
Poaching -- (HL) (Aidan, Duncan, Joe, Marc, Methos, Rich)
Prelude to the Storm -- (HL) (Duncan, Methos, Joe, Erin)
Prices and Chances -- (XF) (Krycek)

Quarrels of All Kinds -- (HL) (Aidan, Joe, Duncan, Methos)

Rafferty's Journal -- (HL/FK) (Rafferty, Owain, Enrique, Tracy, LaCroix)
Random Access Memory -- (XF) (Mulder, Krycek)
Real Reason 'Endgame' Never Happened, The -- (HL) (Kurgan, Kell)
Reflections -- (HL) (Matthew, Duncan)
Rerum Naturae -- (XF) (Krycek, Mary Jane)
Respite -- (XF/B:tVS) (Mulder, Buffy)
Reunions -- (HL/B:tVS) (Spike, Krycek)
Ruffled Feathers -- (HL/Good Omens) (Methos, Aziraphale, Crowley)
Rules -- (Bible) (Christ, God, Lucifer)

Sanguine -- (HL) (Ceirdwyn, Matthew, Alex Raven, Gilbert, Jack the Ripper)
Seed, Like Pearls -- (HL/Greek Myth) (Fitz, Hermes, Hades, Aphrodite, Helen, Kastagir, Ramirez, Persephone, Iris)
Shades -- (HL/XF) (Matthew, Skinner, Mulder, Kim, Duncan, Connor, Rachel, Gina, Robert, Cory, Joe)
Shades of Grey -- (HL/FK) (Darius, LaCroix)
Shadow -- (HL/XF) (Methos, Krycek)
Shadow Plays -- (HL/FK) (Aidan, LaCroix, Tracy Vetter, Nick Knight)
Shards & Links -- (HL) (Joe, Duncan)
Simple Things -- (HL/XF) (Fitz, Krycek)
Sirocco -- (HL) (Aidan, Connor, Duncan, Methos, Marc, Rich, Alex, Xan, Farrell, Owain, Damien, Stormy, Var, Disa)
Soaked -- (HL) (Marc, Connor, Rich)
Sparring -- (HL) (Matthew, Duncan)
Split Hide -- (HL) (Fitz, Connor, two unnamed female immortals)
Static -- (HL) (Duncan, Methos)
Stillpoint -- (HL/XF) (Methos, Mulder)
Symbols -- (XF) (Mulder, Krycek)

Talents -- (HL) (Connor, Duncan)
Therapeutic -- (HL) (Sean, Duncan)
Thieves and Other Rogues -- (HL/XF) (Krycek, Amanda)
This Mortal Coil -- (HL) (Cory, Kenny, Jenny)
Time Is, Time Was, Time May Be -- (FF) (River, musings on the others)
Time Upon A Once -- (Chronicles of Amber) (Fiona, Llewella)

Unanswered Riddles -- (Riddle-Master of Hed) (Lyra, Astrin, Danan)
Unspoken Laws -- (HL)

V - Nothing

Watering Hole, The -- (HL) (Darius)
Ways The World Ends, The -- (XF) (Mulder, Krycek, Well-Manicured Man, Skinner, Oil, Scully, Gunmen)
We, The Living -- (XF) (Genya Krycek, Alex Krycek, OCs)
When First We Practice -- (HL) (Aidan, Amanda, Rich)
White Horses & Tails -- (HL/Nero Wolfe) (Connor, Rachel, Saul Panzer)
Winter Waltz -- (HL/ B:tVS) (Sean Burns, Drusilla)

X -- Nothing

Y -- Nada

Z -- Still zip, at the moment. ::amused::

Now I want to work up titles for the letters I haven't used and write fic for them. Arrggghh! kaiz  , I'll get you for this! (Or maybe not, since devohoneybee   & I just brainstormed an HL/Discworld crossover for Z. Hmmmm.)

fandoms: nero wolfe, fandoms: good omens, fandoms: eroica, fandoms: chronicles of amber, fandoms: firefly, fic: postings, fandoms: highlander, fandoms: forever knight, writing: discussions, fandoms: buffy the vampire slayer, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: master li & number ten ox, fandoms: blood ties, fandoms: full metal alchemist, fic: alphabetical list, memes, crossovers, fandoms: riddle-master of hed, fandoms: a-team, fandoms: pirates of the carribean

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