Really, I could take this moment to 'Eeeep!' over my hair which no longer touches my shoulders, frequently exposes my nape, curls everywhere, and does not move when I shake my head to indicate 'No.' After years of hip-length hair, it's startling. I haven't had my hair this short since I was *nine* and arguing with my mom about whether I had to wear a shirt if it was so hot my brothers weren't! (Looking at the icon? Er, yeah. That short.)
However, rather than fuss about my hair, I'm going to say happy birthday to one of my OCs instead, since Aidan's hitting ::does the math:: er, 2,632 today. ::cheerful:: Knew I should have loaded that "What would Aidan do?" icon
iroshi made....
Off to a talk on Shelby Foote and then I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to finish Stained Glass. Birthday present, don't you know?