kaiz? Somebody? Help?

Jan 08, 2006 00:04

There is, somewhere, an HP WIP in which John Constantine, poor bastard, is DADA professor at Hogwarts. And I can't find my bookmark! Help? Found, thanks to feonixrift and ignescent!

On a faintly related source (crossovers) damn it, I need more Krycek icons. Anyone know any good sources?

ETA: As long as I'm asking the mass mind (yup, y'all) for help -- does anyone know a fic where Duncan runs into someone in an alley who shoots him, Duncan gets out, 'Who are you?' and gets the answer, "Someone born long after the age of chivalry?" We think the guy did in fact behead Duncan. Anyone know this one?

fandoms: harry potter, fic: searches, crossovers, fandoms: x-files, livejournal: icons

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