Oct 22, 2005 16:58
Got up at 6:15 this morning to go walk in another breast cancer walk. (This was the Komen Foundation's "Walk for the Cure," as opposed to last fortnight's American Cancer Society "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.") It was a lovely cool, crisp autumn day, and houses along the way had decorated with more types of pink than you could shake a stick at: pale pink ribbons, bright pink flamingos, a rather ingenious pink winged 'snitch' suspended from fishing line....
There were women in cotton-candy pink wigs, piled high and sometimes topped with tiaras. There were women in pale pink feather boas. One group was there in pink on pink flannel pajamas, I'd say, and they looked warm, too. There were kids who did the full 3.2 miles/5 kilometers rather than the shorter one mile 'family walk'. There were men out there wearing signs with the names of friends and relatives who'd had breast cancer. There was a crowd expected to be 15,000 and I suspect it was closer to 20,000. Lord, that was a lot of people. I think I preferred the last walk's location, though -- I like finishing up by walking a long stretch by the river.
Anyway, it was fun, and I'm glad we did it. Tonight, we're headed to Zoo Boo, a Halloween fundraiser for the zoo. It should even be cool enough to wear my disgustingly cute costumed kittens and candy corn and jack o'lanterns sweatshirt. Whee!
exercise: walks,
breast cancer,