Fic posting community, Realitys_Edge

Oct 10, 2005 16:07

It comes of hanging around with a librarian, I think. Alysswolf and I were talking about the profusion of Yahoo groups and LJ communities for single fandoms, or single character/pairings in fandoms and she mentioned that, from her perspective as a librarian, it would be nice to have a community where a broad band of fandoms can post in one place instead of having to check this mailing group and these LJ communities and this recommendations site...

Then we started comparing notes on our favorite fandoms and realized they all had one thing in common: things get a little -- or a lot -- weird. Lip-reading half-wolves, aliens & monsters of the week, precognition and people who don't die unless they're beheaded, vampires & demons, spaceships & robots, magic, you name it. All our favorite fandoms like to skirt along the edge of reality. So, we decided to set up a community where anyone can post their fic if it has a fantastic or speculative future aspect, or post links to such fiction as recommendation, and everyone can come browse. Anyone's welcome to join realitys_edge and post their own fic there, or link to your fic -- whether on LJ or website -- or to other people's fic that you want to recommend.

We have three moderators (two in the US, one in Ireland) who'll add entries to the community's memories once a week or so, so that people can browse by fandom if they like. All we ask is that the fandom be TV or movie-based or original fic, and that the story have some element of the supernatural or SF. If you'll post it with title, author if not yourself, rating if any, and fandom in the subject line, that'll make it easier for everyone to read what they like and for us to archive it to memories. More details on that can be found here.

Basically, though, we're just hoping to give people a place to post stories and find stories and have a good time. Feel free to join. Feel free to link to this if you like the idea and want it to spread. We were hoping we weren't the only ones who'd like this. What can we say? It's more fun with more people playing.

realitys edge, fanfic, writing: original fic, crossovers

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