Fair and Dark is now on my web site, tidied up and with graphics. ::g:: Yes, I'm shallow like that. Sorry.
I'll update the site front page and story index sometime next week, but I have a story going up at the HL Lyric Wheel board this afternoon, and another going up here on my LJ (and I have to finish it first -- eek!) Sunday. (Yes, that's the one I'll be sending to my poor brave Buffy betas.) I'll edit this with the link to the HL piece after I post it. Done. Anyone got time for a fast beta over the weekend? It's only seven pages.
ETA: HL story posted,
This Mortal Coil. Pretty graphics version up after the betas point out my shortcomings and I fix same.
Anyway. Off to finish the XF/BtVS piece so I can get it off to betas. Take care, all!