Ranting about writing.

Aug 08, 2005 12:50

I'm tired of staring at my fic and realizing that I almost never write from Methos' POV and that I have, in fact, lost the slippery SOB. This is making it very difficult to finish the next Southern Comfort fic.

I'm tired of 'writing rules.' As far as I'm concerned, all rules of writing should be followed by 'if the story requires it' or 'depending on the writer.' The story matters. Using the word you meant to use matters. Grammar matters insofar as it keeps the reader from reading something incorrectly. Not losing your reader, but also not giving it all away on the first page (well, maybe in retrospect), matter. Using adverbs, or 'said,' or 'final draft=rough draft-10%,' or verbs of being, or 'transparent' vs. 'story as art'/'writing for the pleasure of reading slowly,' or any of the other trends, past or present.... don't matter nearly as much. Bad writing is bad writing. You can screw up with a pared-down story; you can get everything right in a book meant to be read slowly and savored. Rules? They're more like guidelines.

I'm tired of all original characters being presumed to be Mary Sues until they can prove otherwise. It's misogyny, and I'm tired of it. It's people saying that they read only fanfic to read the series' characters and how dare I/we have the gall to write someone who's attractive (like, oh, every secondary character on the shows?) and talented (to have a use in the plot/fit in with the others/be realistic if they're immortal or have survived the consortium) and interesting one way or another to the canon characters (see the other two comments).... You know: how dare I/we write something new, or take a chance, or lure them into a story under 'false pretenses.'

I'm also tired of people trying to tell me the stuff above is, in fact, reality and I'm clearly wrong. It makes me want to tell them, 'Fuck y'all, and the fucking horses you rode in on. And no, lube will not be provided.'

There's a reason I don't read meta. I'd rather write.

writing: original characters, fanfic, writing, rants

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