When is a Highlander shirt like Batman's costume?

Jun 28, 2005 08:55

A few years ago I read a Batman comic or fic that explained that the yellow bat plate on the chest of his otherwise dark uniform... is there for a reason. It's a Kevlar plate and Batman would rather the villains aimed there, thanks.

I thought of this when I looked down at my shirt this morning. It's a Highlander t-shirt with a circle of swords on the front, all pointing inwards and labeled more and less accurately with sword type and dates. But they all point in. From any distance at all, the swords make a clear circle to show 'Strike here!' -- right over the heart. Given that a heart-shot isn't fatal to an immortal, and in fact the back of the t-shirt says "Highlander Don't Lose Your Head," well, I snickered. A lot.

Clearly, I'm easily amused. But we knew that, right?

highlander shirt, characters: batman, easily amused

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