This: Having seen an article purporting that fanfic is harder than original fic, and having written both, my opinion (for what it's worth) is that they both have their hard parts, thanks.
That: I need to add a new story to my site, and finish redoing the main story index, but really, I've got a story going, and I'd rather not let it get away. The icons, however, got updated, and many thanks to
beej for the great icon! Alex and Xan thank you, if no one else does.
The other: I'm kinda wondering if I owe an apology in advance, although it doesn't require major groveling. Is there such a thing as a minor apology? A white apology, like a white lie? Hmm....
Anyway, I'm not entirely sure that Methos and MacLeod aren't showing less-common facets in this latest piece. I don't think they're out of character per se, but I do think they're reacting in ways that may not be expected. I have my reasons for it, and they make sense to me and (I think) within canon, but there it is: mileage may well vary. The betas are going to have a field day with this.
In other words, I'm working on the next
Southern Comfort fic (the innuendo is, gods help me, back with reinforcements!), and it's just getting strange. And ouchy.
unmisha? You'll be glad to hear there's sex in this one. ::amused:: Hell, there may be a *lot* of sex in this one, I suspect. Will whoever got me into a series on this please plead guilty so I can throw things? Not sure if they'll be virtual kisses or virtual pillows, you understand. It's been a definite 'ouch' but I get to write a sex scene soon; that may help.
Oh and just for my curiosity:
Poll Southern Comfort series, aka Duncan/Matthew McCormick stories, aka Innuendo Wars ETA: For the curious: the eventual outcome of this series is, in fact, hinted at in the stories to date. That's where *I* found it, anyway. But I was just curious.