Well, bugger. AKA, And I think I did this to myself.

Jan 16, 2005 23:04

I asked for a stand mixer for Christmas/birthday. My mom, who loves giving useful presents, got me a very nice one for my birthday. I've never owned a stand mixer before. You know, a good heavy one that won't walk itself across the counter, and can be turned on and actually gets all the ingredients, without needing a spatula run down the side every 30 seconds? Well, I own one now. I made a cake tonight in half the time it might otherwise have taken*. ::sigh:: Damn thing really does work amazingly well, but I used to burn calories cooking....

The problem with 'How did I ever get along without this?', as I'm seeing it, is that now I'm afraid it's going to be 'I can't get along without this.' I can, of course, but justifications will spring to mind if I ever have to replace this one. (It's a KitchenAid; I'm told that it's amazingly unlikely I'll need to replace it anytime soon. Like, oh, two decades worth of soon.) On the other hand -- my Christmas stress levels ought to go down amazingly now. Hmm. That alone might make this worth it.

Oh, and speaking of Christmas and stress, who knew that pleurisy is also a fun side effect of rheumatoid arthritis? I didn't! Hmm. Maybe this shit isn't lupus, after all? Although I still wonder if it doesn't just pin up an anatomy chart, throw a dart, and say, "I think I'll flare up here this time." Makes as much sense as anything else. Who cares, though? Pleurisy or no, I got in a 2.5 mile hike today with snow blowing across a lake at us. Fun.

And I'm glad LJ is back up; I missed y'all. Although I must say, naming a cluster 'Madcow' and expecting it not to have problems is like naming a cat Pyewacket and expecting it to be sweet and friendly and non-mischievous. ::rolls eyes:: In other words, yes, I'm on Madcow, subcluster 9, which was being a pain. I may have to pay for a year on my writing journal, too, just to help fund the the batch of UPS they're wanting to buy so this doesn't happen again. (I've already paid for this one for the year, and bought extra pictures, so moot point there.)

Anyway. Back to watching Lonesome Dove (I now have both seasons; whee, more scruffy Eric McCormack!), and staring at open files and not writing. I have things I want to write? It just seems to be too much damn effort. I'll be glad when the pleurisy lets up and I can stay awake.


* I've been known to make eighteen tins of Christmas cookies by hand -- chopping, creaming, beating, etc. -- if this tells you anything.

birthdays, health, exercise: hiking, fandoms: lonesome dove, holidays

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