A year later, I'm starting to feel like I really live here.

Nov 15, 2004 21:20

Well, as opposed to being temporarily perched here. Hmm. I think that makes sense.

How do I know? The streets look right. And the sky, and the contrails overhead, and the trees, and the birds (spotted woodpecker today, who had to think about whether it was worth pecking into the birdfeeder...), and it's finally feeling like I might, kinda maybe, live here. I could get to like that.

And, oddly enough -- or maybe fittingly, given that subject line -- we're going to the opera next Tuesday. "The Human Voice" (actually in French) and "The Lighthouse" (in English). Both with projected subtitles, I'm told. This should be interesting. Now I have to find out where TPAC is, and make sure I take my driver's license and credit card for the 'Will Call' tickets, but I'm looking forward to it.

Last, probably least, and mostly for the record -- Ticketmaster *sucks* dead rats through a straw and not very well. But screw 'em. I'm going and I'm going to be with Dragon so it'll be fun regardless.

Meanwhile, I've been reading and making notes on source material for my Yuletide fic most of the day, so I think I'm going to go back to work on the novel. Night, all.

day in the life, wildlife, birdfeeders, dragon

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