(no subject)

Oct 03, 2004 13:11

I'm back. I got writing done, I got a cooking lesson, I walked a lot, and straightened out some plot problems on the pro novel... taken all in all, it was very productive.

The Eyrie has moved to http:rhi.moonlit-eyrie.com/ I'm going to put redirect pages on the old site and tell Jai that she can change the passwords. I have the Darius fic from the last lyric wheel on a webpage and ready to be posted, and I'm slowly cleaning up bad links and snafu'd links and the two typos kind souls have told me about in Shades.

I got lovely lyrics from tarsh for the HL Lyric Wheel. Must look them over and then write. Eponin10, killabeez, I don't need a beta, but I may need to email one or both of you some questions, I think. Also need to start on the Halloween fic. Hmm. I'd better set word counts per day for pro- and fan-fic and tape them onto my monitor....

Went hiking by a lake today and saw half a dozen turtles, an egret, a dozen-plus sweet-tempered dogs, and half a dozen deer. And tomorrow, I go back on my diet. Bleah. Unfortunately, my doctor fussed about my blood work. It's not bad, but it's higher than he likes on a couple things. I didn't exactly get the healthiest breakfast in the world that morning before they got the blood sample, but I needed an incentive to get back to working out and eating right. Might as well use this one, right? It's getting started again that's always hard for me. Staying on it after the first week or two is easy. Good thing I like my tea and coffee sans sugar, though. Caffeine, you must save me. Oh, well. At least my heart rate and blood pressure were doing much better from the last time he saw me. I'll manage this, too.

Ole Miss even won their homecoming game yesterday.

All told though, yeah, a good week. And now to shower, and back to work!

(PS -- Ranalore, remind me later and I'll post a couple questions I've got for some of the other writers on writing and meta. But right now, I need that shower and word count worse, sorry.)

challenges: lyric wheels, wildlife, writing: original fic, health, exercise: hiking, meta, site: eyrie

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