Ah, avoidance.

Jun 17, 2004 14:28

I can always tell when 3-4,000 words are ready to pour out -- I find anything else to do.

So far, that's included house-tidying, laundry, grocery shopping, cat petting, kitchen-cleaning, and assorted small things along the way. I not only took out the trash, I cleaned the wall behind the trash can. (I did mention avoidance, right?)

I will say that the grocery store up the hill from me has reminded me that I'm not a vegetarian. I'm not the world's worst carnivore, by any stretch of anyone's imagination, but when they sell Black Angus steaks for $3.49/pound, well, I'm buying a steak. So, bought it, patted it dry, abused it with a spice rub, and it's now marinating. For the curious,

For 2 lbs of steak:

1.5 tsp salt (kosher if you can)
1.5 tsp paprika
1.5 tsp cumin
1.5 tsp coriander
1 tsp black pepper
.75 tsp cocoa
.75 tsp espresso (ground or instant, whatever you have)
.5 tsp cinnamon
pinch of cloves

Mix well. Add

3 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp olive oil

Mix again into paste. Pat steak dry, cover with paste. Rub it into the meat with your fingers. Wrap the whole thing in plastic wrap or put it in a plastic bag. Refrigerate 'til ready to cook.

I've marinated as little as 45 minutes or as much as 24 hours. Juiciest steaks ever. Just yum.

Anyway. Stalling like mad and listening to music while I decide which Word file to open.

day in the life, writing: discussions, recipes

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